Sunday, May 08, 2005


(I look like such a goofball)

Well, I'm pretty much graduated now. I got my little diploma cover and everything. Of course, it'll be a couple of months before they actually send me a diploma, but I'm pretty sure I covered all my bases as far as getting my requirements out of the way. Wouldn't it be terrible to find out a couple of months after commencement and graduation that you didn't graduate after all?

My family waiting for me to walk.

I decided not to go to commencement (the entire University), and instead went to the Convocation for the College of Engineering. Even so, it took soooo long. I felt sorry for my family, having to sit through all of that just to see me get a diploma case. And then it occurred to me that they were the reason I was there, and not the other way around. So I felt sorry for me instead. ;-)

Now, to enjoy my free time!


Liz L. Jensen said...

Congratulations again! You're awesome!

Hey, did you notice Chris and your uncle Steve on the row just up and to the right from where your mom, Lamar, gpa, and I were sitting?


I sure did. Unfortunately, it's not as easy to create oddly-shaped color focus stuff in Picasa, so I just focused on you guys in the middle.