Monday, January 24, 2005

Most Depressing Day of the Year

A scientist apparently decided that today is the most depressing day of the year. And if a scientist says it, it must be true, right? Seriously, though, I'm a little inclined to believe it. We haven't seen the sun in days. It's cold and dreary, and we don't even have any snow to show for it. Just murky, gross air. And I've got a nice, long document due tonight. I started working on it last night, but left it when Liz showed up, and later in the night Mom told me that the computer was having a problem. I came in to find the notorious BSoD. So I got to get up early and basically redo what I did last night. Then I went to work. And now I get to work on it again.

Oh, and here's a nice, cheerful news story for you. Parents, please be aware of what your kids are watching.

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